The zodiac: signs in the sky. A Phoenix Astronomical Society and Stonehenge presentation

Date(s) - Sat 25 November

Phoenix Society Clubrooms

To those who can read it, the night sky is a picture book of stories from antiquity. Here are the tales of the gods, heroes and mighty events. These stories are a window into the past that give us insight into the beliefs of our ancestors. Among the most ancient and significant stories are those of the Zodiac. In this presentation we explore the historical facts, myths and legends of the Zodiac which formed a cornerstone to the rise of civilisation and world religions.

The programme includes The Spring Night Sky AV plus, weather permitting, viewing the sunset at Stonehenge followed by telescope viewing. This is a combined Phoenix and Stonehenge programme that is open to the public. Bookings are essential. Fee: Adults $15, Seniors $12, Children $8; Society members free.