Improving health through housing: the Healthy Homes Initiative. A webinar by Ellie Johnson *ONLINE*

Date(s) - Wed 8 May
12:00 - 13:00

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New Zealand housing stock is notorious for its dampness, mould, injury-causing hazards, and overcrowding. Such housing is detrimental to health and is a significant driver of health inequities. In response to high incidence of housing-related illness in children, the Healthy Homes Initiative (HHI) was established. Based on world-leading research from He Kāinga Oranga, the HHI is a government-funded, multi-component housing intervention programme.

In this presentation, Ellie will discuss the evaluation of the HHI programme using the Statistics NZ Integrated Data Infrastructure. She will present statistical modelling which shows that improvements in housing results in not just improved health outcomes for participants of the HHI but potential health benefits to their household members too. This talk will also highlight the importance of partnership with community HHI providers and their role in project design and data collection.

Using the IDI is a game-changer for housing researchers, allowing us to generate powerful evidence showing how community-led housing interventions are improving health. This research, combined with important qualitative evidence, paints a rich picture of the role of housing and importance of continued government backing for such programmes as the HHI.

Ellie Johnson is an Applied Statistician and PhD Student with an interest in housing policy. She has worked at the University of Otago, Wellington since 2019 and is currently completing a PhD within He Kāinga Oranga under the supervision of Professor Nevil Pierse and Dr Elinor Chisholm. Her current work explores the impact of housing on health and wellbeing using the Integrated Data Infrastructure using data from the Healthy Homes Initiative.

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