Nursing an ambition? Innovation and research in nursing at Otago. A lecture by Philippa Seaton *ONLINE*

Date(s) - Tue 25 October
12:30 - 14:00

More information

Professor Philippa Seaton is the Director of the Centre for Postgraduate Nursing Studies at the University of Otago, Christchurch. Her Inaugural Professorial Lecture will address the growth of nursing education at the University of Otago, and the contributions to nursing and healthcare of research undertaken in the Centre for Postgraduate Nursing Studies.

This lecture will be followed with light refreshments, tea, coffee and juice.

About Philippa’s research
Philippa’s core research relates to nursing education, development of the nursing workforce, and research that informs healthcare to promote improved outcomes. Projects have investigated nursing education; clinical simulation; inter-professional education; technology-enhanced learning and teaching with virtual reality; telehealth; wound care and pressure injuries.

Philippa collaborates with clinical stakeholders, such as Nurse Maude and Te Whatu Ora, in research partnerships leading to the development and translation to practice of knowledge for the profession. She is the New Zealand lead for an international research group, the Australasian Education, Simulation and Safety collaboration; and researches with the University of Melbourne School of Nursing.

Philippa is a founding member of the Canterbury Nursing Research Alliance with Te Whatu Ora in Canterbury, Ara and Canterbury University. Philippa is the Director of the Centre for Postgraduate Nursing Studies; and a member of the Executive Committee of the Australasian Council of Deans of Nursing and Midwifery.

Streaming information
This event will be live-streamed, from 12:25pm on Tuesday 25 October 2022, at the following web address:

Streaming link for Professor Philippa Seaton’s IPL