Epi-interactive’s 4th R-Exchange. A conference *IN PERSON*

Date(s) - Thu 9 May
8:15 - 18:00

National Library Auditorium, lower ground floor, Aitken Street, Thorndon.

More information

R Exchange aims to showcase how organisations are using R and other open-source tools to visualise insights, automate reporting, scale up work flows to better connect data with decision-making and to align data insights with strategic goals. Open source tools are commonly used to complement proprietary products to tackle more complex problems to provide analysts and data scientist with the flexibility they need for their work. If you are not working with open-source tools yet, get inspired by how others use them and what can be done!

Whether you’re taking first steps or already are an expert, the diverse programme caters for different levels of interest. Meet with fellow open-source enthusiasts to connect and learn about best practices and what is new in the open-source data science and analytics world.

The full-day conference on Thursday 9 May, will feature keynotes, presentations, and a panel discussion about enabling open-source data science and analytics. Speakers will showcase real-world examples and experiences which will help you get the most out of freely available tools and link into powerful features such as R Shiny dashboards or Quarto reports.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Epi-interactive at events@epi-interactive.com.

Conference speakers

Conference schedule

Until 30th April $150
From 1st May $250